Women’s Ministry – The Esther Women

We believe that:

  1. The welfare of the Church is shouldered by the Women’s ministry which is the beacon of the Church. Acting as the pillar, the women’s ministry will take on the role of the Mother to the church in all its endeavors.
  2. The virtuous women will attract goodness whereas a woman with a questionable virtue brings disgrace upon herself and to all who are associated with her.

Our Vision: TO Embrace and respond to God’s call for women to live in intimacy with

Christ as they serve him through the local church and develop evangelism, discipleship and missions. 


  1. Intimacy
  2. Developing evangelism
  3. Discipleship
  4. Missions
  • Engage women in the active involvement of the church in the local communities armed with the gospel of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19) (evangelizing, intimacy, missions)
  • Equip women to do kingdom work through service locally and globally (Acts1:8, Psalm
  • 2:8) (missions)
  • Encourage and educate women to prayerfully study and apply God’s word in their daily lives. (Psalm 19:7, Titus 2:3-4) (Discipleship)
  • Ensure the active involvement of the church in the local communities. (Evangelizing, the Great commission)
  • To counsel one another while extending the same service to the young women both married and single in dealing with all challenges of the day in church and outside.
  • Help the Church in fulfilling its role in creating agents of change.

We are the Esther Women!

Are you a woman? Come join us! Let us embrace and respond to God’s call for women to live in intimacy with
Christ as they serve him through the local church and develop evangelism, discipleship and missions.

Ministry Leader 
NameFast  Last
Email: [email protected]